

Reteta de gulas unguresc ( pleonasm, right ?) e de pe plicul de condimente Fuchs. Condimentele contin : sare, chilli, piper, chimen, usturoi, cimbru, patrunjel, foi de dafin, ardei granulat, ceapa.
– carne de vita 600 g
– ulei 1oo ml
– 5 catei usturoi
– pasta de tomate 1oo g
– ardei gras 5oo g ( eu am pus congelat)
– vin rosu 5o ml ( eu am pus 1oo ml)
– un plic condimemente Fuchs Gulas Unguresc

pt garnitura : 7oo g cartofi, unt, patrunjel, sare
pt galuste : 100 g faina, un ou, sare ( eu am pus si o lingurita de unt)

In continuare, nu am nicio poza pas cu pas, pentru ca aparatul meu foto a fost plecat de acasa, in cu totul alte scopuri decat cele de a poza preparate culinare.

Preparare galuste : se framanta o coca din faina, ou, sare si unt, apoi se modeleaza bile care se fierb in apa clocotita, dupa care se scot.
Se taie carnea cubulete, apoi se prajeste in 50 ml ulei si putina apa, apoi se pune deoparte, la cald. In aceeasi cratita in care am calit carnea, adaugam restul de ulei, si calim ceapa taiata marunt si ardeii. Cand ceapa s-a inmuiat, adaugam peste carnea, pasta de tomate dizolvata in putina apa, si condimentele din plic. Ei zic ca se fierbe 20 de minute la foc mic, timp in care ar trebui sa fiarba carnea. Eu zic ca asta e o aberatie, sau ma rog… carnea mea a fiert peste o ora, timp in care am adaugat cam 2 pahare de apa. Cand carnea este fiarta, adaugam galustele, vinul, usturoiul trecut prin presa si mai fierbem 10-15 minute.
Gulasul se serveste cu cartofi natur, peste care am pus un sos facut din unt topit amestecat cu patrunjel tocat marunt.
Pofta buna!

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4 comentarii

  1. Gulas (gulyas) este o mancare cu raspandire mai mare decat se pare la prima vedere. Uite ce-am gasit pe Wiki :
    Goulash in Germany
    Gulasch, Rindergulasch or Gulaschsuppe is a beef stew with potatoes in a rich tomato based broth.
    Goulash in The Netherlands
    The Dutch also prepare a version of the goulash (vleesstoofpot). While the Hungarian national dish refers mostly to the soup, in The Netherlands, it is more related to the Pörkölt. There are some variations however to the Dutch goulash, using beef, lamb or pork and even fish.
    Goulash in Italy
    Goulash is found in Italy, in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and the autonomous Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region, as a regular Sunday dish.
    North American goulash
    In the United States and Canada, various adaptations have made the dish more suitable for local preferences. Ground beef frequently replaces stew beef in North American recipies, which reduces the cost as well as the cooking time. The meat and onions are then placed in the kettle, the other ingredients are added and the dish might be ready to serve in as little time as 20 to 30 minutes. North American goulash is commonly finished by the addition of noodles, pasta, or elbow macaroni. This form of the dish was made popular by its inclusion in popular cookbooks in the early and mid twentieth century, such as Betty Crocker's Cookbook.
    • Goulash is also a slang term in some parts of the United States, particularly the South, for a dish made with miscellaneous left-overs. Noodles or potatoes are usually added thereafter.
    Goulash in the Slavic Cuisines
    Goulash (Croatian: Gulaš) is also very popular in most parts of Croatia, especially north (Hrvatsko Zagorje) and Lika. It's considered to be part of traditional cuisine. In Gorski Kotar and Lika deer and boar frequently replace beef – Lovački gulaš. There is also Goulash with porcini mushrooms (Gulaš od vrganja). Bacon is an important part of Croatian goulash.
    Gulaš is often served with fuži, njoki, palenta or pasta. In Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian ciganski gulaš) is augmented with vegetables. Green and red bell peppers and carrots are most commonly used. Sometimes one or more other kinds of meat are added, e.g. pork loin, bacon, or mutton. In Slovenia, they are known as Perkelt, but are often referred to as "goulash" or a similar name.
    In Slovene partizanski golaž, partisan goulash, favoured by Slovenian partisans during the Second World War, and still regularly served at mass public events; most meat is replaced with quartered potatoes. It's not as thick as goulash, but thicker than goulash soup.
    Goulash (Polish: Gulasz) is also popular in Poland, dish is similar to hungarian Pörkölt and it is usually eaten with buckwheat kasha.
    In the Czech Republic Goulash is made with beef, dark bread and beer added to the stew.

    Dar, evident, nici-unul nu se poate compara cu cel facut de tine (cu exceptia celui facut de mine – firesc !!).

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